It is Dyspraxia Awareness week and as Dyspraxia is a big part of my world I am sharing a daily guest blog by Lancashire personal trainer Simone Sirmon on Dyspraxia and exercise. As I am currently having a very Dyspraxic few days as a result of jet lag, this post is particularly significant.

Illness and its effects on exercise.

  • Hello, Welcome to day three of my blog. Today I’m covering the effects of illness on Jane’s  dyspraxia and her ability to train.
  • Early during  Jane’s training she was ill. She had a week off to recover and resumed training the following week as she was feeling much better. The session comprised of a short power walking segment and some light resistance work doing squats and some standing press ups to give her some intervals in the power walking.
  • This previous illness did not affect Jane’s training at the time and she seemed fine during exercising. However she messaged me the next day to say she was exhausted to the point of not really being able to carry out her normal daily routines. This is perhaps the most hidden element of her dyspraxia. The muscle and brain function fatigue she had after the session was far greater than you would usually expect from a fit and healthy adult.  The difference between teaching adults and children with this condition is that children get far more rest and recovery than an adult. Jane has to work and run a home so gets less recovery time. Jane has to constantly work hard to keep her body responding to the physical and cognitive challenges of dyspraxia.
  • This is where as a Personal Trainer, as I get to know my clients I  become aware of their physical responses . They can seem to be fine but as I get to know them I begin to see the subtle signals that let me know how they are coping. I had only been training Jane for two weeks when this occurred. I know her well enough now to recognise  these  signals and  adapt the session or exercises as needed , this includes increasing the difficulty of them if I think she is finding it too easy!
  • I would recommend that you postpone training if you are unwell, especially if you have a temperature. I sometimes have to guide my clients into having a rest from training.
  • Tomorrow I will be looking at Core Strength.

    If thes posts interest you and you  you would like to  contact  Simone you can do so – by email –
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