Dyspraxia and Exercise. The last of a week of Dyspraxia Awareness blogs by Simone Sirmon.
Dyspraxia Awareness Week
Day Five of my blog on training Jane!
- Today I’m highlighting people who have Dyspraxia and how they raise public awareness of the condition and the challenges it can present.
- A famous person in the media with confirmed Dyspraxia is the actor Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter. He has spoken publicly about his challenges with Dyspraxia and although his is at the mild end of the spectrum, he still had difficulty studying at school and trying his shoelaces! His determination to be an actor has led him down a successful career path and has allowed him to raise the profile of the condition by talking about publicly. Others include photographer David Bailey, and the singer, Florence Welch.
Flying on a broomstick takes real balance and coordination!
- Although not a real person, Tree Fu Tom, a boy who transforms into an animated superhero, is generally well known by children. His moves use carefully selected sequences of movement put together by specialists and are designed to help children develop important foundation motor skills.Their hope is that by practicing these movements it will benefit all children including those with Dyspraxia.
- Some adults mention to me that they had negative experiences in sport at school. Don’t let this put you off now, as an adult, you have control over what you do and who you exercise with. It’s never too late to start and there are people out there who can help !
- Always consult your Doctor before embarking on an exercise program .
- An Occupational Therapist can analyse your movement patterns and suggest specific exercises to help you, give advice or diagnose the condition.
- Personal Trainers can help with core work , build your confidence,plan a program with you and measure your progress. I am always happy to help !
Another person with Dyspraxia who is a bit less famous than Daniel, but who is the reason I started this blog is Jane Binnion.
- She is so commited , trains well and takes on board all the advice, exercises and training schedues given to her by me. There are funny moments and times when I really challenge her and she goes quiet !
- I have to say I think she is an inspirational person to be around, she works so hard to achieve her goals and I know that doesn’t only apply to her exercise and fitness. Jane challeges her dyspraxia everyday whilst running a sucessful Social Media Business , a family home and remaining full of positive energy !
You can contact Simone
by email simonepersonaltraining@yahoo.co.uk
Phone: o7720838881
On twitter @simone30096017
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