Sunday 18 January 2015

January blues - and reds and pinks and silver and gold...

I'm seeing so many people struggling again with January, the dark, cold and wet. The party season's over and Spring is still a  way off. Money is tight and there's pressure to start the new year with great plans - that are doomed to fail....

This is a difficult time for lots of us, so I thought I would change the mood by sharing some of the great things about January....

The first thing I like to remind myself when I'm cold and tired and my get up and go got up and left, is that this is actually meant to be a time of hibernation and so it's a perfect time to give ourselves permission to rest, snuggle up and make big pots of yummy winter food.

Here's my list of January good stuff...

*Whilst the dark morning aren't great for getting up, I get the opportunity  to watch the sunrise while I eat my breakfast, or walk the dog, and there are some spectacular sun rises this time of year.

*A chance to read. I don't know about you but I never seem to find the time to sit and read a book, so  a grey soggy day is the perfect time to snuggle up under a blanket with a nice brew and that new book of short stories my sister sent me for Christmas.

*Finishing the  left overs from Christmas. The Stilton makes great soup, or stuffed jacket potatoes It would be rude not to finish up the chocolates, and a piece of Christmas cake with my afternoon cuppa' is a delight.

*Winter walks. Getting all wrapped up in lots of layers to walk the dog is  actually fun. Fresh air and exercise is still really important and does lift the spirits. 

*Getting the opportunity to wear  my long-johns and thermal vest. I so love them.

*Crisp winter days. We do get a few and they are just beautiful - and if you get a great photo, that's this year's  Christmas cards sorted! 

*Snow.  If we're lucky enough to get it, I think it's so pretty and I love the silence that it brings. And if you're really lucky you get the day off work! 

*Cold frosty clear nights are just perfect for star gazing, and Mercury is visible at the moment.

*Making big pots of winter soup so that there's a lovely warming lunch, or supper, all ready and waiting. One pot meals are good, colourful,  wholesome, comfort food, easy to make and inexpensive. And if you know of a neighbour that might  be struggling, drop a bowl round to them too. You will both feel good. 

*It's cold of course and heating the house is expensive, so we make a snuggly room.  We create one really cosy room where we light the fire, wrap blankets around us, shut the door and light candles. 

*If my office gets too cold (I work from home) I sit by the fire with a brew and  catch up with  the admin jobs that I've been putting off, such as book keeping and taking time to review my achievements from last year. I feel good that I've done these, it  boosts my confidence and inspires me.

*Having a long hot bath with the bath bombs I got for Christmas. No point saving them for best! 

*Putting on my new Christmas PJ's -  at 6pm! :) 

*Snuggling with my daughter on the sofa to watch a whole box set on Netflix.

*Having a cheeky glass of left over sherry / port/ brandy - whatever your tipple. After all waste not want not!

*Lighting scented candles (got those for Christmas too). Smell is so important for our mood, so I  have hyacinths round the house this month.
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* Having lots of colour and prettiness. We've put the Christmas tree away but we keep our favourite decorations up until Spring. 

*Filling in my new diary with all the lovely things that are planned this year. It's so important to have things to look forward to .

*Using the long evenings to take time to write -  blog posts, or a gratitude diary. This quieter time of the year is a good time to write and taking the time to notice what I'm  grateful for can really help to shift my mind set. 

*In addition, to deal with the poor light this time of year,  I have day light bulbs in my work areas. They are very inexpensive and make a huge difference.

Well that's my January survival guide :) I try to remember to go easy on myself and take a leaf out of the dog's book and lie by the fire as much as possible!  

What do you do to survive winter? I'd love to know, so leave me a comment below. 

Jane x