Core Strength

  • Hello, welcome to day four of my blogs on exercise and dyspraxia for Dyspraxia Awareness Week.

  • Today we are covering an area that I have been focusing on with Jane, her core strength. If this is strong it enables the body to balance and exercise more effectively. Jane can do this exercise above! Impressive core strength,  it’s called a Plank.
  • Your core is a complex series of muscles,extending far beyond your abdominals.It is incorporated into almost every movement of the human body. They are not visible like your biceps or a six pack, they are like the foundations of your body. It really does help prevent falls and trips and stabilises your body during everyday movements. Its particularly helpful when you are exercising! Its never too late to start working on your core muscles, although I wouldn’t expect anyone to be able to do the Plank  if you have not been working on them.
  • We have used a balance disc and a peanut ball, with support , to work Jane’s core and legs. These are a great way to exercise your core and there are many different exercises to keep it interesting and challenging. It is sometimes better to start doing balance exercises without kit and progress to these . If you have balance or coordination difficulties I would suggest that you initially consult an Exercise Professional or Physiotherapist to give you guidance. This equipment is not suitable for everybody .  I initially supervised Jane when using this equipment in order to ensure she was safe and had good technique, and , as she progressed, I incorporated it into her solo training sessions.
  • The above picture left to right, has a Bosu, a balance board, a core ball and a balance disc, all brilliant core working pieces of equipment – You don’t need them all! (The skipping rope, kettlebell and ball are not great to use if your balance and coordination are not good, they were just in the picture !!)
  • Look out for my last blog tomorrow on high profile people and others who overcame their dyspraxia challenges .   
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