It was just under 3 months ago that I wrote about my decision to start using aloe vera products to build our immune system and I said I would report how that has gone.
It's an interesting thing health isn't it? We notice when we are ill of course, and when we feel better, but we don't tend to notice when we are fine. (A bit like a car I guess, we just take it for granted and expect it to work). So people have asked if my daily dose of aloe gel has boosted my immune system and of course I don't really know. I do know that I haven't caught anything for a while despite just about every bug doing the rounds.
When I first started taking it I did have a bad cold and it seemed to bring that out even more (people refer to this as the healing crisis).
These last 3 weeks I have been delivering training in schools, I know the vomiting bug is doing the rounds and I just knew that I would catch it - I haven't! (Now of course as soon as I type that I will catch it wont I).
But the biggest difference I have noticed (and didn't expect) was I no longer get bloating after a meal, which means I don't have to undo my trews after eating, despite a lifetime of that.
That is AMAZING. I just thought that was how my system was and I had to live with it.
The other change is that people are telling me I am glowing! That hasn't been said to me since I was pregnant, and as I threw up for 9 months I think people were just saying it then to be kind. I live far enough away from the power station that I am hoping the glowing is all good. Certainly it is considered to be a sign of good internal working and I have had reflexology recently and Anna told me my digestive system is tip top, so I am definitely impressed.
By now I would have my grey winter skin and cracked winter nails and fingers. But not this year.
Aloe gel is good for digestion, skin and immune system and I think I can tick off all 3 of those.
We have been using the berry gel, party because it tastes nicer but also as it is meant to be good for asthma and I do get a bit of winter asthma. Again by now I would be using my inhaler regularly, especially at night. I haven't needed it once so far.
My teen girl is attending a new (huge) college and has caught things twice, as I would expect, but her recovery time has been brilliant. She is taking the bee pollen when she needs an extra boost and I think she may make it in 1 piece to the end of term.
The best thing of all for me is I feel sociable. Now I know it can't change my personality type, but I used to be so tired I didn't want to socialise, I just wanted to snuggle up on the sofa. Now I'm out and about despite the shocking weather.
So all in all I am happy with our purchases.
As a result I am also using the toothpaste, and the face scrub, which are gorgeous.
I have always been conned into using expensive face creams, but I am about to run out and will try the simple moisturiser instead.
I'm not ready to do the Clean 9 yet though - 1 step at a time :)
Some people think it's a con that it has to be taken daily. Some people take tea, coffee and alcohol daily without worrying about those. Taking a daily supplement is nothing new for me. Taking something that works is! And at less that £1 a day I'm ok with it.
If you want to check out the range of products on offer click here
If you're Dyspraxic and have similar health problems to us I'd love to hear what you do, so please do leave me a comment below.
Take care
Jane xx